Energy saving refrigeration equipment from Norlake includes a wide range of features and options designed to increase your efficiency. That’s why we initiated our Energy Saver program to help you quickly identify features that serve your efficiency needs. Below is a list of features and options included in the program.

Product/Feature Energy-Saving Function Where Used
Meets Department of Energy Standards Designed for optimum energy efficiency. Refrigeration Systems
Demand defrost Initiates electric defrost heaters only as needed As part of the LogiTemp® electronic controller system*
Electric expansion valve Highly efficient valve eliminates need to maintain a high head pressure (head pressure control valve eliminated also) allowing a lower head pressure and condensing temperature. A compressor operating at a lower condensing temperature yields higher capacity with less energy input. As an integrated part of the LogiTemp electronic controller system*
Reverse cycle defrost A reverse cycle valve reverses the flow of high temperature refrigerant through evaporator coil, heating along its entire length and eliminating frost buildup. Results in up to an 80% decrease in defrost energy usage as well as a major reduction in defrost time. As a part of the LogiTemp® Plus electronic controller system*
LED lighting LEDs use less electricity than fluorescent lights with electromagnetic ballasts. LEDs also introduce less heat into the refrigerated space which reduces the workload on the refrigeration system’s compressor. The less the compressor operates, the more energy is saved. LEDs also last up to 50,000 hours. Standard in all walk-ins
Digital alarm/light management system Door open alarm prevents door from being left open. Optional light management system automatically turns off lights after a programmed interval. An option on walk-in coolers and freezers
EC motors on fans Amount of torque and current required to start ECMs is low, making them more efficient. ECMs run cooler, reducing heat load to refrigerated space which makes the compressor run less. Standard on single phase walk-in evaporator coils and numerous cabinets
4″ thick walk-in panels Standard 4-inch panel with R-32 rating meets federal EISA requirements for freezers and surpasses R-25 requirements for coolers. Standard thickness on all walk-in coolers and freezers
5″ thick walk-in panels Thickness of panels produces a higher R-factor and energy efficiency which surpasses federal EISA requirements. An option on walk-in coolers and freezers
Scroll compressors Up to 20% increase in efficiency vs. reciprocating compressors. Scrolls are also 50% more reliable than reciprocating types. Standard on low temp remote refrigeration systems, optional on medium temp systems
*LogiTemp is standard on Split-Pak™ remote freezer refrigeration systems 6 HP and above and optional on other systems. It is standard on Capsule Pak self-contained refrigeration systems.